9 Important Things To Know About the COVID-19 Delta Variant

Important COVID-19 Delta Variant details

If you’ve been keeping up with news about COVID-19, you’ve likely heard about the new Delta variant. It was first identified in India back in December 2020, and in the United States today, it’s the predominant variant of the virus. What do you really need to know about the COVID-19 Delta variant? These are the nine most important things to keep in mind.

1. The Delta Variant Is Much More Contagious

The predominant element of the Delta variant is the fact that it’s more contagious than other strains of COVID-19. According to the CDC, the Delta variant is categorized by increased transmissibility. That means you’re more likely to spread the Delta variant than you are the original or any other variant.

2. The Symptoms of the Delta Variant Seem To Be the Same

So far, there seems to be no evidence that the Delta variant has any unique symptoms. The only way to determine which infection you have is to look at the virus. The main difference seems to be that people get sicker more quickly.

3. The Delta Variant Might Be Worse for Young People

One of the major sticking points that people noticed with the original virus that causes COVID-19 is that younger people tended to be less at-risk. However, the Delta variant may turn this knowledge on its head—it’s possible that the Delta variant is actually worse for younger people, especially unvaccinated people.

4. Vaccines Are Even More Effective Against Hospitalization Than Illness

Although it’s true that the number of vaccinated people that are getting the Delta variant is getting higher, the number that is being hospitalized is not. A trio of recent September 2021 studies showed that unvaccinated people have five times the risk of infection than vaccinated people, but they have a whopping 10 times the risk of hospitalization.

5. It Might Be a Good Idea to Wear Masks, Even If You’re Fully Vaccinated

Because we still don’t know too much about the Delta variant, many scientific authorities are recommending that people wear masks in public, even if they’re fully vaccinated. It’s very easy to do and it gives you an extra layer of defense.

6. Avoiding Large Gatherings With Unknown Vaccination Statuses Is Important

While it’s safer to be in large groups of people where vaccination was mandatory to gather together, large gatherings with an unknown vaccination status can be very dangerous. Even with a 90 percent vaccine efficacy rate, which is very high, you’re taking a much higher risk if you’re around people who aren’t vaccinated.

7. It’s Possible That More Variants Are on the Way

Variants are a common problem with any widespread virus. However, it’s important to note that scientifically, there is no possibility of a current COVID-19 variant mutating such that it would be able to ignore any of the current vaccines. From what we currently know, such a mutation would also render the virus itself completely harmless.

8. Much Is Still Unknown About the Delta Variant

Although the Delta variant is making up an estimated 99% of cases in the United States, there is still a lot we don’t know about it. We’re able to use a lot of information from COVID-19 as a whole and extrapolate it to the Delta variant, but that might not be fully accurate at all times. It’s likely a good idea to take extra precautions until scientists have figured out more about it.

9. It’s Still a Good Idea To Talk to Your Family About Vaccination If They’re Not Vaccinated

One of the best ways to convince someone to get vaccinated is just to talk to them. Talking heads on TV are less likely to convince someone to get vaccinated than an individual in their life. If you have friends or family members that still aren’t vaccinated, with Delta on the rise, it’s a good idea to talk to them. If you don’t have their contact information at hand, PeopleFinders might be able to help. With a people search from PeopleFinders, you can find the information of the people you love the most so you can talk about COVID-19 and pass on the message that it’s much safer to be vaccinated.


The Delta variant of COVID-19 is scary, but it’s much less scary if you’re vaccinated. This information can help you get the message of vaccination out to more people. Keep these nine things in mind to remember why it’s important to encourage friends and family toward vaccination.

Image Attribution: Dan74 – stock.adobe.com

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