Enter a person’s name above to start your free people lookup today. If you know a city and/or state where they have lived—currently or in the past—enter that as well to narrow down your results and get the information you want about the right person even faster. Our people finder technology and intuitive user interface will take you the rest the way.
Want to know what an old classmate has been up to? Looking to reconnect with a distant relative? Need to check the background of a blind date? These are just a few of the reasons why you may want to conduct a people lookup. Our goal at PeopleFinders is to make your people search as painless as possible, and the results comprehensive, accurate and up-to-date.
We are the people finder experts. With our true people search, you can go as in-depth as you need. Get essential contact information, including current and past addresses, phone numbers and email addresses, plus a list of known relatives and other associates. Or go deeper with the details of a comprehensive report report, which can contain someone’s criminal records, bankruptcy filings, property ownership status, and any other available public records data.
Our name says it all. At PeopleFinders, we find people. That’s our specialty, and it’s a responsibility that we take very seriously. Whatever your reason for conducting a people search, we know how important it is for it to be a true people search. You want the right information, and you want it quickly. That’s why we have developed the most comprehensive people finder database and search tools in the industry. Check out the following to learn more about the different kinds of information you can find about someone:
Get details you need – find contact information, criminal records, & more.
We pull data from billions of public records and organize it all into one easy-to-digest comprehensive report report. As disclosed by local, state and national entities, the report can contain information about arrest and courthouse records, bankruptcy filings and liens, and history of property ownership.
Get a firm foundation – discover all the details about a property.
If you want to move, are looking for a former resident or are out to make a smart investment, an address lookup will give you all the background info you need. Property records info includes sales histories, current and past owners, any construction permits filed, and even if any crimes occurred.
Know the truth – learn about someone’s criminal history in a flash.
If someone has been arrested, tried and/or convicted of a crime, a people lookup can lead you to those details. We have criminal and courthouse records data for just about every adult in the U.S., including arrests, misdemeanors, felonies, traffic violations, civil court filings, sex offender status, and more.
See who’s on the line – reverse phone lookups are fast and accurate.
When it comes to unknown phone numbers, a reverse phone lookup at PeopleFinders can reveal what your caller id may not: the identity of the owner. It can also lead you to other relevant details, such as if the number is a cell phone or landline, its location, and the phone carrier.
For more information about people searches and what you can do with them, be sure to check out:
Learn more information about how reverse address lookup can help keep you, your family and your friends safe. There are so many ways to use PeopleFinders services to find valuable information. Whether it is for an online meetup, or learning about a neighborhood.
Search people by just a name. If you don't have any other information this is the best way to search to learn more information about someone. You can also narrow down the person with any other information you have with the easy to use interface.
Search by NameIf you received a call from an unknown number or have a person's phone number, you can use reverse phone lookup to learn information about the number and person. You can learn information like name, address public and criminal records.
Search by Phone NumberUse address lookup to learn more about a house, who has lived in the house and neighborhoods. This is useful if you are going to be moving to a location, traveling or having a meetup.
Search by Address Lookup