Keeping Kids Busy During Summer Vacation

keeping kids' summer vacation busy

Kids love summer vacation. But parents often find it hard to keep them active. That’s why summer vacation can sometimes end with kids merely languishing in front of the TV or playing on their phones. That’s not great for kids or parents.

One of the reasons this happens is because parents aren’t quite sure how to encourage their kids to get outside. If you fall into this category, check out the six following ideas. Choosing at least one of them means your kids will love staying active much more than they love sitting on the couch.

1. Summer Camps

Summer camps are an incredibly effective way to keep kids active when school isn’t in session. Sending your kids to a summer camp is great for both you and your kids. Your kids will become immersed in something they love. And you’ll get to have some time in a quiet house.

Some summer camps even mimic the schedule of school, having kids come for 8-10 hours during the day and then return home afterward. This can be a great way to allow your kids to enjoy camp while still spending time with them each day.

2. Swim Teams

Especially in hot climates, it’s likely that you’re used to visiting the pool during summer vacation. Since you’re there already anyway, consider enrolling your kids in a swim team or class. This allows them to improve their swimming skills while feeling like they’re part of a community of peers.

They’ll make new friends, feel accomplished through competing, and get exercise every day. Swimming is a fun leisure activity anyway. So, it’s usually not hard to convince kids that this is a good idea.

3. Group Outings

If you already know some other parents with kids around the same age as yours, you may want to invite them on a group outing. With your family and other families, you can go to more places and have a good time.

You may decide on a waterpark, a theme park, a hike, a visit to a national park, or something else. Whatever you choose, you can expand the fun by bringing along other families.

4. Museum Visits

Many kids may scoff at the idea of visiting a museum during summer vacation. But that’s usually because they’re not quite sure what it entails. Many museums have imaginative ways to reach out to kids. And even more center on concepts that kids enjoy quite a bit.

For example, the renowned fossil exhibits at the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History can introduce kids to dinosaurs and other astonishing natural wonders. Find a museum near you that caters to concepts that your kids love. They’ll have a great time while learning important information.

5. Offer Activity Bonuses

An especially good way to keep your kids active throughout their summer vacation is to give them incentives to get off the couch. Consider offering an allowance. Or, suggest a fun outing as a prize that your kids can earn by performing household chores and certain physical activities.

If you want to kick it up a notch, you can even track certain things. Investing in a simple pedometer for your kids can be useful if you want to encourage them to do a specific amount of activity every day.

Staying Safe While Staying Active

The activities you plan for your family are only part of making sure your kids have a good summer vacation. It’s also important that you stay away from situations where they may be in danger. You need to look out for your kids’ safety, which is where a public records search site can help.

You can perform a criminal records check on other adults with whom your children may spend time. Such a search can help you to get info to try and make sure everyone is safe to be around when inviting friends along on a trip, or when letting your kids visit their friends’ houses.

You can also use the address lookup to check out the locations where your kids are planning to visit, and gauge the safety of the area and those in it.


Keeping your kids active is as easy as showing them that there are things out there much more interesting than the TV or cell phone. It can sometimes be difficult to plan a fun activity, especially if your kids would rather just be lazing around the house. But the right activity can bring you together as a family and make everyone’s summer vacation brighter and healthier.

Photo credit: yanlev –

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