How to Plan a High School Reunion

Organizing a high school reunion can be exciting and stressful. The amount of time and effort it takes to pull off an amazing reunion night can seem daunting and definitely requires some planning. Whether you’re attending your 10th or 40th reunion, having an idea of what steps need to be taken beforehand will make the planning process much smoother. This article is here to provide a guide on how to properly plan a successful high school reunion that you, your classmates, and their families will all enjoy!

Why Planning a High School Reunion is a Great Idea

friends hugging during a reunion
It can be fun to relive old times, and make new memories in the process!

Reuniting with old friends from high school can be an immensely rewarding and fun experience. Planning a high school reunion starts off as a small project but can quickly turn into something bigger and more enjoyable than expected. It is a great opportunity for individuals to come together, reminisce about old memories, and possibly even reconcile with those who had different paths during the years following high school. 

A reunion also allows for former classmates to fill in each other on their lives since then, exchange stories and celebrate the times they shared together by having dinner, playing games or enjoying some music! The possibilities of what one can do at a reunion are endless – it’s never too late to get your old class back together again!

Track Down Your Classmates Using PeopleFinders

Reuniting with old classmates can bring back much-missed memories, but the challenge of finding them in today’s hectic world can be daunting. PeopleFinders can help you track down your former classmates using an online database full of public records that let you search by name

It has become increasingly useful as more and more of our lives go digital, allowing you to search for lost contacts by name, email address or telephone number. PeopleFinders also helps keep you safe by providing accurate background checks for anyone you’re considering getting in touch with. With so many amenities at a low cost, PeopleFinders is perfect for anyone wanting to reconnect with old school friends!

Steps to Planning the Reunion

Planning a high school reunion is no small feat. It is a wonderful opportunity to bring together friends and classmates for a day of catching up, reminiscing and creating new memories. In order to ensure that the planning process runs smoothly, it is important to establish all of the steps in advance. 

From researching venues and booking catering services, to setting the date and budgeting for extras – there’s always something that needs to be taken care of.  Read on for savvy tips for planning a successful high school reunion.

Pick a Date

A good place to start is by picking a date that everyone can agree on. While you don’t have to have defined times or events right away, having at least an approximate date will make those other details easier to figure out down the road. Make sure it’s far enough in advance so people can plan around other commitments while keeping it close enough that it won’t be postponed indefinitely. With a good date set, planning your high school reunion just got a whole lot easier!

Choose a Venue

When planning a high school reunion, the venue is almost as important as the guest list. Whether it’s a backyard, park, or beach setting – location can set the tone and determine how much fun you and your family are able to have together. Think about the size of your group, and consider whether it needs to be an indoor/outdoor space with enough room for everyone. 

If you’re near a city, you could look into renting an event hall or banquet facility – this could give you plenty of space and amenities to cater food, set up activities, and more. Whatever option you choose for your reunion venue, it should provide guests with not only plenty of room but also (most importantly) lasting memories that will create smiles for years to come!

Select a Menu

Choosing the right menu will ensure that your guests enjoy a culinary experience they won’t forget. Consider serving beloved classics such as chicken parmesan, pot roast and burgers to please even the pickiest of eaters. For a bit of variety and fun opt for action stations where guests can create their own tacos or build-your-own sandwiches with assorted breads and toppings. 

Don’t forget to offer delicious sides like roasted vegetables, potatoes au gratin and classic salads as well as a selection of artisan cheeses. Finish up with mouthwatering desserts including homemade cobblers, mini pies and cupcakes. 

Pick Out the Decor

When planning a reunion, the decor is an integral part of setting the mood and energizing the atmosphere. A great way to choose decorations that embody nostalgia while also expressing your school’s spirit is to go with classic memorabilia. Think photos of past classes, mementos of events that took place during the school year, sports apparel and trophies. Of course, some festive streamers and balloons never hurt either! 

For added flare, consider incorporating a few fun activities into the decorating process. Have everyone vote on their favorite grade photo, or put together trivia using facts about the school’s history. 

Hire Entertainment

When it comes time to organizing and planning a high school reunion, entertainment should be top priority. It may sound obvious, but no reunion is complete without an exciting and engaging component that guests can enjoy. From DJs playing classic hits to karaoke nights and trivia games, there are countless options to choose from when selecting an entertainer. 

Ask around for referrals and begin reaching out to professional local companies who specialize in providing those exact services. Taking the time to find the right entertainer can truly make your reunion and the entire evening stand out in everyone’s minds.

Don’t Forget to Send Out Invites!

One of the most important steps to remember is to send out invites beforehand. This gives all alumni plenty of time to make necessary travel plans and get excited for the amazing event ahead. Sending out both electronic and physical invitations makes sure that everyone knows about your reunion! Be sure to include details such as location, date and time, as well as what type of food may be served. 


If you’re considering hosting a high school reunion, the key to success is to come up with a plan early and then stick with it. Make sure that you have plenty of time for word-of-mouth to spread before the big day and encourage people to RSVP ahead of time. To make reconnecting even easier, turn to PeopleFinders! 

Have a friend that changed their name somewhere along the way? With PeopleFinders, you can search them up using their last known phone number or address. This can help remove the guesswork and ensure that no one goes overlooked during your reunion planning journey.

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