How to Plan a Family Reunion 101

Planning a family reunion requires careful attention to detail. After all, the preparation involved can become complex, especially when trying to make everything perfect. While there is no “right” way to organize a family reunion, various ways can help you figure out how to plan a family reunion effectively.

If you’re looking for tips on how to plan a family reunion for the first time, the following tips, strategies, and methods will help you get your family reunion perfect.

Use PeopleFinders to Get in Touch with Relatives

family posing for camera at reunion
PeopleFinders can help bridge the gap and find long-lost family members.

If there are relatives you’d like to invite but can’t get in touch with them, use PeopleFinders to look them up. PeopleFinders can help you find contact information on virtually anyone. PeopleFinders is a fast and easy way to get a hold of anyone. Using PeopleFinders can help you find relatives in minutes.

Here’s how it works:

  1. Go to to get started.
  2. Input your relative’s name and last known city or state of residence.
  3. Answer follow-up questions to narrow the search.
  4. Look over search results to view contact information.

If it sounds simple, that’s because it truly is. PeopleFinders makes finding anyone quick and easy. PeopleFinders is a great tool if you wish to include long-lost relatives in your reunion. There may also be relatives that have fallen out with the rest of the family. As such, PeopleFinders can help you bridge the gap, leading to potential reunions, including long-lost relatives.

How to Plan a Family Reunion for the First Time

Planning a family reunion can be a fun and rewarding experience, but it can also be a lot of work. Here are some key steps to follow when planning a successful family reunion:

Set a Date

Determine a date that works for as many family members as possible. Consider holidays and school schedules when selecting a date. Since it may be nearly impossible to make everyone’s schedules sync, you can ask folks to submit a list of dates they feel work for them. This situation explains why most family reunions occur over the summer, especially during the 4th of July holiday.

Create a Guest List

Make a list of all family members you want to invite to the reunion. You can use social media, email, or phone calls to reach out to everyone. If you want to add a more personal touch, sending printed, handwritten invitations by traditional mail, in addition to email and text, is a nice gesture. Also, consider the number of guests you wish to invite based on potential space and travel considerations.

Determine a Location

woman planning family reunion
A family reunion can be a lot of work, but the results are worth it!

Choose a location that is convenient for the majority of family members. Consider renting a venue or having the reunion at a park or someone’s home. Ultimately, the venue depends on the number of guests. If you plan a large gathering, you may need to rent a venue such as a hotel or a ballroom. Also, national parks can make a great venue for outdoor events such as picnics and barbecues. Be sure to plan ahead to ensure you can book the right venue.

Decide on Activities

Plan activities that everyone can participate in and enjoy. Consider games, a potluck meal, a talent show, and other fun activities. Above all, consider the various age groups that will be present. You’ll most likely have guests ranging from infants to grandparents. Thus, offering various activities to suit everyone’s tastes is important. Keep in mind that a large activity involving everyone is important to foster togetherness. These activities may include prayers, family pictures, and video shows, which can help set the mood for the entire event.

Assign Responsibilities

Delegate tasks to family members, such as bringing food, decorations, or setting up games. A good rule of thumb is to ask before assigning responsibilities, as not everyone may be able to contribute. Also, ask for volunteers. You will be pleasantly surprised to find that most folks will jump at the opportunity to contribute somehow.

Create a Budget

Determine how much money you want to spend on the reunion and allocate funds for food, decorations, and other expenses. In some instances, you may be able to split costs among other family members. However, it is important to avoid asking for money. Instead, ask close relatives if they can contribute in any way. These contributions may include funds to cover expenses.

Send out Invitations

Create invitations that include the date, time, location, and activities of the reunion. You can also include an RSVP deadline and contact information. Including an RSVP is important as it lets you determine how many people plan to attend the reunion. Consequently, you can plan the venue, food, drinks, and activities based on the number of confirmed guests. You can always leave some leeway in case there are some last-minute confirmations or cancelations.

Follow Up

Contact family members a week before the reunion to confirm attendance and remind them of the date, time, and location. Confirmation is important as some family members may be unable to attend due to unforeseen issues. Because of these issues, they may have forgotten to notify their cancelation. Similarly, reach out to anyone who did not respond or declined the invitation. They may be able to attend but are hesitant to reach out.

Have Fun

Enjoy the day with your family! Take photos and create memories that will last a lifetime. Take the opportunity to plan the next family reunion. The next family reunion can include relatives who did not attend or who you may not have been able to get in touch with.

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