14 Great White Elephant Gifts for Any White Elephant Exchange

best white elephant gift ideas

White elephant gift exchanges are a great way to exchange gifts with important people in your life and make a bit of a game out of it. However, it can be difficult to find great gifts, especially because white elephant exchanges are typically cost-limited and require that you find a gift that would work well for anyone in the group. Here are 14 gifts that will make you a hit at the white elephant exchange.

1. Funny or Themed Cookbook

Everyone needs to eat, so why not make it fun? There are all sorts of funny cookbooks out there, so find a cookbook that the people in your white elephant group would love and wrap it for the gift exchange.

2. Fun Unique Bowl

A unique bowl can be an exciting twist on the idea of a novelty mug. While novelty mugs are something you can buy at just about any store, a bowl with a fun design often requires a bit more digging, making it a little more unique.

3. Novelty Pizza Cutter

Novelty pizza cutters are a great way to cut your pizza with a bit more excitement. With a novelty pizza cutter, you can give someone an exciting tool they can use whenever they cut their pizza, making it easy for them to remember the experience.

4. Magnets With Fun Designs

Many people use fridge magnets as a way to remember important things and keep certain appointments. However, a fridge magnet with an especially fun design can make that image even better for home décor.

5. Special Candle Fragrance

If you plan to get a candle for white elephant gifts, try to avoid going to the store and picking out a $7 candle, especially if the budget is higher than that. Instead, look for a truly unique candle fragrance—or even just a very large candle.

6. Board Game

Board and card games are also great options for white elephant gifts, especially if the group regularly meets up. You can use the board and card game to have even more exciting experiences in the future.

7. Specialty Hot Sauces

If your friend group really loves food, you might consider getting a batch of specialty hot sauce for your gift. Specialty hot sauces are becoming more common among foodies, and this could be a great white elephant gift.

8. Mini Bluetooth Speaker

While larger Bluetooth speakers are often very expensive, mini Bluetooth speakers can be very affordable. Give the gift of music anywhere with a mini speaker.

9. Specialty Coffee or Alcoholic Beverages

Specialty beverages can be a great white elephant gift. However, unless you know the friend group well, you might want to avoid alcoholic beverages, as you don’t want someone who doesn’t drink to be stuck with an alcoholic beverage.

10. Quirky Themed Slippers

Themed slippers can help keep people’s feet warm and make them enjoy their time at home, especially during the winter. Plus, because slippers don’t have to fit perfectly, you can just get a large size for anyone.

11. Especially Interesting Mug Designs

Mug designs can be a bit hit or miss for white elephant, as they can easily become cliché, but that just makes it more impressive to get one that really hits. If you find an especially great mug design, consider pairing it with some tea and wrapping it.

12. Themed Playing Cards

There are nearly endless playing card decks themed around different things. Just choose a playing card deck that’s themed around something your friend group really loves.

13. Special Ice Molds

Ice molds are important for many people who don’t have ice machines. Plus, it can be the perfect cherry on top of an already good-looking drink, and there are all sorts of specialty molds out there.

14. Adult Coloring Book

An adult coloring book can be a great stress reliever. Plus, depending on how your friend group interacts, you can find adult coloring books that are serene, exciting or dirty.


White elephant gifts are one of the best ways to have a good time with existing friends or impress new ones. If you want more ideas about keeping your friend group close, check the Relationships section on the PeopleFinders blog. There are plenty of ways you may never have thought about when it comes to improving your relationships with others in your life.

Image Attribution: nuchao – stock.adobe.com

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