Search People Online by Name

Find a Person by Name Fast

Our name lookup directory, people search, and comprehensive public records database makes it easy to find who you’re looking for.

Illustration representing name search database


Get fast results for your name lookup, on any device and wherever you are.

Illustration of computer showing how quick you can search someone by name


We can find contact info and other useful data for people, from over 120 billion reported public records in the U.S.

Illustration representing information gathered from a name search


Find a person’s addresses, phone numbers, criminal records, social media profiles, and more.

To start a people lookup today, enter a person’s first and last name in the fields above. If you know a city and/or state where they have lived now or in the past, enter that as well to narrow down your results and get the information you want about the right person even faster. Not sure of the name? Be sure to check out our name lookup directory below.

Name Search at PeopleFinders

With information on over 250 million adults in the U.S., our database is sure to have information on the name you’re looking for.

  • If you already know the person’s name, you can search for other information about them quickly using the people search fields above.
  • But if you only have a vague idea of a person’s name, you can still search through our name lookup directory below to try and find it.
  • The name lookup directory is also useful for when you know a person’s name, but aren’t sure how it’s spelled. It is organized alphabetically by last name. So, if you at least know what a person’s last name starts with, you’re well on your way to finding their full name.
  • Or use the name lookup directory to simply browse.

Read What Customers are Saying About Our Name Search

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Why Use PeopleFinders for an Online Name Search?

At PeopleFinders, we want to make it easy for anyone to find information, even if the information they have to start with isn’t necessarily clear or complete. That’s why we developed our name lookup directory: to broaden your search possibilities and make it easier to find a person by name, even when all you have is a first name and the first letter of a last name. Looking for more? Our database contains a variety of public information, available via different searches, including:

Reverse Phone Lookups

Who’s calling me? – learn the identity behind that unknown phone number

A reverse phone lookup at PeopleFinders can tell you quickly the owner of the number calling, as well as other relevant details, such as if the number is a cell phone or landline, its location, and the phone carrier. Then you know whether you should answer or ignore.

Comprehensive Reports

Want to know more about a person’s background? – dig deeper into a person’s past.

A PeopleFinders comprehensive report can reveal vital information about someone that you can use to make informed decisions. We pull data from billions of public records and other public data—bankruptcies, criminal records, etc.—and organize it all into one comprehensive report.

Address Lookups

Interested in property information? – discover all the details about a property.

There are a variety of reasons why you may want to know more about a property. Maybe you’re interested in buying it. You just want to know more about the people living there. And so on. Find an address’s tax history, ownership and tenant details, and more.

Criminal Records Search

Is someone you know a criminal? – find out the details of a person’s criminal past

For many, any criminal records they may have are best kept under wraps. But even if a person is not forthcoming, you can still find out the truth. See if someone has been arrested and for what, whether they had a trial, if they served time, and so on.

Name Search Directory FAQs

Why should I use the name directory?

There may be instances where you can’t remember someone’s exact name. In that case, the browsable directory could be your best chance to narrow things down and find the right person.

What if the person I’m looking for has a common name?

To find the right person with that common name, it helps to have other identifying information available, such as a city and state of residence, or their age. If you don’t have that, you can probably still find the person, it will just take a little longer.

Can the name directory help if I don’t know how to spell a name?

That’s one of the main things that makes the directory helpful. As long as you know the first letter of the person’s last name, you can get started.

How do I use the name directory?

See the directions below.

Name Lookup Directory

You can perform a name search by doing the following:

  1. Click below on the letter that the person’s last name starts with.
  2. Start to narrow things down by choosing the name range in which you think your person’s name would be. (For example: John Smith – Mary Smyth)
  3. The name ranges will continue to narrow with each selection you make.
  4. Once you get down to a single name, verify certain information like age, place of residence and possible associates to make sure you have the right person.
  5. Click on View Details to get the person’s people search report or comprehensive report.