Find property value, owners, people associated with this address, address records, and more for 20334 J K Ln.
The owner and tenant of 20334 J K Ln, Chugiak, AK is Lori Jones.
Other people linked to the property include: Cheryl Kroener, Gretchen Smith, Janoah Osborne, Jennifer Smith
Age: XX
20334 J K Ln, Chugiak, AK is a Other of 2,684 Sq. Ft. built in 1971. The latest purchase was on 12/23/2020 for $146,100.
Find public records with Liens, Evictions, and Foreclosures associated with 20334 J K Ln, Chugiak, AK with PeopleFinders
According to public records, in 2024, property tax for 20334 J K Ln, Chugiak, AK decreased by $52.38 (1.8%).
Year | Assessed Value | Tax Amount | Tax Rate (%) | Change Rate | Improvement Value |
2024 | $194,000.00 | $2,853.74 | 1.47% | 0.00% | $63,000.00 |
2023 | $194,000.00 | $2,906.12 | 1.50% | 1.41% | $63,000.00 |
2022 | $191,300.00 | $2,888.64 | 1.51% | 1.32% | $60,300.00 |
2021 | $188,800.00 | $3,032.13 | 1.61% | -0.68% | $57,800.00 |
2020 | $190,100.00 | $2,851.50 | 1.50% | - | $59,100.00 |
20334 J K Ln, Chugiak, AK was last sold for $146,100 on 12/23/2020.
Date | Amount | Term | Event |
12/23/2020 | $146,100.00 | 360 | Warranty Deed |
7/19/2019 | $163,600.00 | 120 | Warranty Deed |
5/9/2016 | - | - | Deed |
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