Find property value, owners, people associated with this address, address records, and more for 1566 A St.
The owner and tenant of 1566 A St, Chappell, NE is William Burr.
Other people linked to the property include: Amy Markel, Ashley Lewis, Douglas Markel, James Markel, Laura Burr
Age: XX
1566 A St, Chappell, NE is a House of 1,566 Sq. Ft. built in 1966. It has 3 bedrooms, and 3 bathrooms.
Find public records with Liens, Evictions, and Foreclosures associated with 1566 A St, Chappell, NE with PeopleFinders
According to public records, in 2023, property tax for 1566 A St, Chappell, NE decreased by $64.66 (2.97%).
Year | Assessed Value | Tax Amount | Tax Rate (%) | Change Rate | Improvement Value |
2023 | $126,710.00 | $2,109.98 | 1.67% | 0.80% | $121,460.00 |
2022 | $125,710.00 | $2,174.64 | 1.73% | 0.00% | $120,460.00 |
2021 | $125,710.00 | $2,222.62 | 1.77% | 10.69% | $120,460.00 |
2020 | $113,570.00 | $2,035.26 | 1.79% | 1.41% | $108,320.00 |
2019 | $111,995.00 | $2,018.16 | 1.80% | - | $108,320.00 |
Date | Amount | Term | Event |
- | - | - | Deed |
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