Find property value, owners, people associated with this address, address records, and more for 3426 Q Dr S.
Other people linked to the property include: Carol Keller, Charlotte Smith, Desiree Yamasaki, Destiny Brust, Joel Smith
Age: XX
3426 Q Dr S, Athens, MI is a of 1,216 Sq. Ft.. The latest purchase was on 5/14/2012 for $1,224.
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Tax history can be valuable information when deciding on purchasing a property. Find out the tax history of 3426 Q Dr S, Athens, MI with PeopleFinders.
3426 Q Dr S, Athens, MI was last sold for $1,224 on 5/14/2012.
According to public records, the last transaction for this property was in 5/14/2012 for $1,224.
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