The owners and tenants of 10071 E 2060 Rd, Ryan, OK are Christian Adsit, Jennifer Adsit.
Other people linked to the property include: Carol Wood, Charles Wood, Susan Cady
Find property value, owners, people associated with this address, address records, and more for 10071 E 2060 Rd.
Rancho Cordova, CA
Rancho Cordova, CA
Age: XX
Ryan, OK
Ryan, OK
Wichita Falls, TX
10071 E 2060 Rd, Ryan, OK is a House of 2,168 Sq. Ft. built in 1979. It has 4 bedrooms, and 4 bathrooms. The latest purchase was on 9/20/2006 for $91,500.
Find public records with Liens, Evictions, and Foreclosures associated with 10071 E 2060 Rd, Ryan, OK with PeopleFinders
Year | Assessed Value | Tax Amount | Tax Rate (%) |
2023 | $12,581.00 | $1,199.00 | 9.53% |
2022 | $12,214.00 | $1,117.00 | 9.15% |
2021 | $11,207.00 | $1,042.00 | 9.30% |
2020 | $11,496.00 | $1,082.14 | 9.41% |
2019 | $11,690.00 | $1,102.14 | 9.43% |
Date | Amount | Term | Event |
9/20/2006 | $91,500.00 | - | Warranty Deed |
8/28/1999 | $60,500.00 | - | Warranty Deed |
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